Sunday, November 16, 2008

3-Day weekend @ Redwood Alliance Retreat

For those who have no idea wat that is... it's basically a bunch of people mainly, "young people" of pretty much South bay and other ones from other Localities i.e. Santa Clara, fremont, etc etc. all gather together at this retreat place and <3 the Lord :]

yes i'm Christian for those who were askin me about that.
and yea its a Touchy subject for most people so lemme get it straight here

i dont reallay care wat religion u are.
i wont try to "convince" yada yada ya.
and i'm not like a "stereotypical" christian who says this is RITE or this is WRONG >__<

and yea. so anyways.
drove down there in a big o' van... watched KUNG-FU PANDA!!! :DDD
funny cute-ish movie... ;}

uhh Costco... food... got there around nite-ish 7 or 8pm.
got a reallay nice cabin "HAZELNUT" which was a lot better than my last year's cabin. "Birdland" omg cuz thats like the farthest away from the main site... =_= and no showers cuz you gotta use the bathroom ones -_-.

anyways, had fun memorizing verses (140) max was 152 i think. too lazy to get max score altho the darn gurls (sisters) got like a bunch of maxxed outverse memorizing. cuz they're soo unathletic *cough cough* played some BEACH volleyball...
Pool/Billiards ahaha :] where i totally hustled some guys heheh..,
some ping-pong. foozball. pwnd pwnd pwnd. and air hockey... even more pwnage, and some regular board games x]

Awesome campfires... sharings and testimonies from some young adults and older adults about college stuffs, pretty interesting. and then we had the CAMPFIRE + singing :]
had fun takin snapshots with my flash w. my lovely cammy muahaha

award ceremony.
i got most verses (3 years in a row heheh, i told you i could do it if i actually tried) got like 3gift cards yay yay yay

got 2nd place in best (cleanest) cabin cuz we didnt get lots of verses (AVERAGED) so 2+ gift cards YAY YAY

playd more v-ball packed had a good breakfast :]
loaded up on more HOT TEA ~~~~<3
and slept like all the way home ^____^V

gonna miss all my buddies (total about : 275 people there.)

yea. long post. sorray xD


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