Thursday, May 7, 2009

Senior Prom. May 9...


wat more can i say?
anticipation. excitement? :}

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Daily Rant.

Badminton. doing okay. won 4 outta 5 games personal wins.
school is 3-2 but we're still in the game and aiming to be #1 for the first time in over almost 30 years since we last won Badminton since 1980 something x]

Grades. stats is just killer. everything else is easy peasy alto i need like 1 or 2 percent from A-'s for like 2 classes -__-
English class is literally a joke Haha. dont learn much, dont do much (important) darn u lucky 4AP kiddos.

College decision? prolly UCR. yea. i kno.

Senior Prom?
hella weird things srsly.
first. i was gonna ask someone. turned out. already taken. lolz
second. the gurl changed her mind on me. LoLz
third. said yes. but not 100% yet. LOLZZ!

prepared for first by a lot,
used less than a third of items for second
need to "re-ask" third gurl x]


besides that. life's great x]

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Who would've guessed?!?

i shouldve known, but i didnt

amazing i just found out that there ARE some people secretly reading my blogs :DDD
=___= :DDDD =____=

yea its a mixed bag thingy :]

i thot i could just blog to my little heart's content and not worray about people coming up to me to talk about my "blog". its kinda interesting tho. x]

ANYWAYS bak to my life >:D

tch basically a short day minus one period of english haha

period one. i ditched. (jk) left early to check it out.
period 2. was TA and after helpin cut some poorly cut papers (excuse me for being a bad cutter), i asked if i could go to the fair again and he said shure.
period 3. same class+teacher. finished up inclass work. -> faire :D
period 4. you must be sick of hearin me go the the Int Faire but its my english class...
period 5. AP stats. didnt get anything... chapt 10 sucks x] took a mini nap ^^~
lunch time.
period 6. econ. totally bombed the quiz. weirdly worded answers xDDD

FRIDAY is gonna be... TIRING x]]]
i gots some conditioning to do. which sadly to say. i did extremely bad on my 1st one (last mon.) and i had like 3 dominating cramps D: but i'll manage x] and then im being COERCED (aka pushed to do something) to go to Smash City AGAIN (amazing how i actually used a sarcastic negative tone with the awesome place of Smash City... yea i'mma be butt sore and tired x]

nothin much to post except...
Int Fair was FUN :D~

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

gosh i swear...

sometimes i'm just SOOO lazy, it takes like a day or two to get bloggin :P

so how was everyone's FOUR-DAY weekend?
oh rite PHHS only had THREE... rawr.

SUSHI TOKYO :D yum yum everyone loves beef terriyaki, BBQ RIBS and Tempura Mix :]

saw friends while hanging out with Alex+Mei-Mei, i swear those two are always together somewhere -_-. Momo (alex's car) had a little truble with her brakes or something like that so we had to get dropped off quick after alex's dad checked it out. D:
Poor Momo.

ahaha walked Meimei home, and spent 20 mins trying to get a ride home... <-- more laziness. finally got home. went to Smash City with my homie from Leland. (andrew bboy yeh) stayed till like 11 pm as usual and ate in fremont :} (gotta love those azn restaurants that close until reallay reallay reallay late x]]]) ahaha SATURDAY!: bleh. mostly chink skool. omg it was hilarious acting out a song in chinese that only like me and Joyce ( the only gurl in our chink class) knew ahaha. embarassing but fun :] Sunday: bleh, church then pretty much nothing much. MONDAY>>>> WHEEEE~! was bored. called. alex to pick me up (yea he's my new chauffer JK!) spent like almost HALF and HOUR calling up pplz from our contacts lists (how fun!)
finally found some gurls :]

picked up sophia ( she took like 15 mins to come out, cuz a gurl likes showering,hair,etc etc.)
picked up Dorkii and her lil bro Timmy who's a pimp (now)

Movies at Mission, santaclara AMC :DDD

watched slumdog millionaire.
at first it was like ehh... i dont get it. mehh. its weird... BUT>>>
it gets better :DDD

The Answer is: B

ok i was jkking. i guessd that :P
The REAL answer is: C

if you believed me again. =_= you got problems its D!!! "D" as in "duhh!"
anyways good movie. nice plot till near the end (yes its a happi ending) omgg

i liked it. we liked it. sophia loved it (cuz it wasnt a scary movie)
btw that reminds me. ANGELS & DEMONS is coming out!!! :]
i wanna watch that too ^^~ and no its not scary =_=

okie after that we went to IN & OUT cuz everything you eat comes out... ok nvm
goodfoodthere :) i actually got order number 6!!! *my new record. goal is to get (#1)

after that JAMBA JAMBA JUICE!!! ^^ mango-go-go with feminine boost i mean heart happy boost.

then off to home. :}
then next day. skool =____=
which btw the "watch inauguration speech together as a school" was pretty much a TOTAL failure!!! lagging everywhere... no real tv w/ live channels at least not in my class -_-

ok thats enough fer today... :]

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Finals Week... or 3 day of finals to be exact

well i was going to wait till friday... tomorow. to sum it all up but i doubt i'll be UNlazy or tired or iono finalsAreOver happy to blog it so here it is... so far x]

period 1. orchestra. LMAO done deal A. btw i never mrs.tippets puts grades on schoolloop now... weird huh?!?

period 2. compsci. =_= wat can i say? its a no brainer not an B- OMG if i did. hopefully a C- xDDD

period 3. Psych. DAsakhflkhawle fracked up the test and got a C. T_T prolly a B something ish now in that class... my poor A-...

period 4. English. i have no idea of my grade but i thot i did okay. mebbe missed a couple here and there. oedipus was ok. vocab was like. EASY PEASY. hardest was the indian notes and a bit on the grammer correction stuffs -_-

period 5. StatsAP OMG OMGOMGOMGOMGOMG attemptin to get high B... but anywhere in B range is good x]

period 6. hopefully i still remember how to do the PrePostFinal test. i got B- on my first try in the beginning of school year... hopefully w/ a bit of extra studying i'll get a A or i'll get an B+ in that class too... frakers <-- my new profanity word choice. if you didnt get that... :D

Tomorow Agenda.
Finals. (2)
Play Pool (with the doodes) cuz gurls either suck @ pool or too lazy iono or prefer bowling -_-
Go to Smash City with Leland friends :]

PARTY!!! ok jk but if anyone does have one... kool.

doing a iono show thingy? for chink skool.
Fahrenheit ft. Hebe -Zhi Dui Ni You Gan Jue

its pretty funny mv. i'll give you guys the link. its got translation for those incapable of understand simple mandarinChinese (like me) x__X
i'll prolly lip sync most of it anyways :DDD shhh!!!

Fahrenheit ft. Hebe - Zhi Dui Ni You Gan Jue (subbed translated version)

have fun!!!~ :DDD
hope those who have finals do better than i did.
if you already had your finals at your skool or its coming up. good job + good luck. out :]