Thursday, January 29, 2009

Who would've guessed?!?

i shouldve known, but i didnt

amazing i just found out that there ARE some people secretly reading my blogs :DDD
=___= :DDDD =____=

yea its a mixed bag thingy :]

i thot i could just blog to my little heart's content and not worray about people coming up to me to talk about my "blog". its kinda interesting tho. x]

ANYWAYS bak to my life >:D

tch basically a short day minus one period of english haha

period one. i ditched. (jk) left early to check it out.
period 2. was TA and after helpin cut some poorly cut papers (excuse me for being a bad cutter), i asked if i could go to the fair again and he said shure.
period 3. same class+teacher. finished up inclass work. -> faire :D
period 4. you must be sick of hearin me go the the Int Faire but its my english class...
period 5. AP stats. didnt get anything... chapt 10 sucks x] took a mini nap ^^~
lunch time.
period 6. econ. totally bombed the quiz. weirdly worded answers xDDD

FRIDAY is gonna be... TIRING x]]]
i gots some conditioning to do. which sadly to say. i did extremely bad on my 1st one (last mon.) and i had like 3 dominating cramps D: but i'll manage x] and then im being COERCED (aka pushed to do something) to go to Smash City AGAIN (amazing how i actually used a sarcastic negative tone with the awesome place of Smash City... yea i'mma be butt sore and tired x]

nothin much to post except...
Int Fair was FUN :D~

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