Monday, November 17, 2008


tired of life.

so sleepy during the day. even tho i slept at like 10:30...
mebbe cuz i somehow still woke up at like 5:45am 0__o

tired of darn college apps and maintaining "good grades"

the prospect of college is just far more intimidating. so many possiblities.

so many different scenarios. Will i get into a college? of my choice? of my preferred major?




today 1st period was like... free time heheh. GO DAVID PARK!!!

haha told the sub "WE CAN'T POSSIBLY PLAY TODAY!!!" something about no music sheets etc etc. hilarious :}

(its not my fault, procrastination loves me. not the other way around. >_<)

2nd period was like meh. completely don't get it. cant wait to drop it.

3rd period was whaddaya kno... its a SUB!!! i swear teachers these days... JK! did a bit of light assignment. then totally gossiped i mean chatted with Sheeners :] my psych buddy + shirleyP. "the kimmy-cup" wonder gurl :P Somehow our topic went from like Disneyland trip -> rollercoasters -> some people -> relationships -> more people -> jobs -> people --> colleges -> some more random stuff xDDD

4th period bleh same as usual. made fun of catherine E. :] its all good :D
(i wanna get SENIOR CLASS T-SHIRTS!!!! RAWR!)

5th... mr. Enriquez totally shocked our class by movin the test date to wednesday~ yep. wats the PROBABILITY of that x]

6th. period. same teacher as 3rd. so same sub. SRGT PHONG NGUYEN + another previously PHHS doode Sang? came by as well to talk about the MARINE Corp.

pretty funny. had a pretty quiet non-responsive class... expt. a few... and Pinko gurl came like last minute... wat a genius x]

we did a survey thingy... yea.

I went home. and around nite time. i got a CALL from the RECRUITMENT office... oh boy.

"... have you done drugs? (no) any police records (no) physical problems (no)

yea. i knew i shouldve circled the "NO" option.
but hmm... mebbe some day (assuming i get REJECTED by all the colleges. even everyone's beloved SJSU, then i'll prolly have to go with Marines fer a bit. T__T

gr... i need to borrow a USB cable. need to upload some pics from camera ;]

alritey bak to hw + college essays T__T

nitey nite :]


Sheena. said...

Haha. Gotta love our gossips in that class <33

DramaAssassin said...

of course!!! :]